The Liturgy Committee is comprised of the parishioners that serve as coordinators of the various ministries. In conjunction with the pastor, the Liturgy Committee plans for liturgical services throughout the year and ensures that appropriate liturgical ministers will be available to support the mass celebrations. The members of the Liturgy Committee are listed below. The various ministries with links to their descriptions can be found on the Ministries Page.
- Fr. Pao Dayto - Pastor
- Vern Arne - Hospitality
- Anne Conner - Eucharistic Ministers (11:30AM)
- Linda Gibbens - Eucharistic Ministers (9:00AM)
- Kate Kevern - Music
- Cindy Leavitt - Environment
- Mary Moran - Flocknote
- Shari Moser - Altar Society
- Julius Ngalim - Sacristan/Mass Assistant
- Natasha Reich - Music
- Barbara Sumner - Lectors
- Garry and Sandy Swanson - Spirituality