mswb2xy7m3dtyxrky8oyaiez9tl.pngSoon you will be able to manage your own electronic giving to St. Jude with an easy-to-use tool very much like what you would use in any credit card or direct bank transaction.

You will be able to set up and declare your annual offertory pledge, arranging for weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, annual or one-time payments. You will be able to register your children for Faith Formation and pay his/her/their registration fees online. You will be able to register for and buy your auction tickets from your online giving account. You will be able to contribute to capital projects or to do a one-time or ongoing pledge to the Facilities Improvement Fund, all from your own PC. So many ways to give to your parish!!   

When we are ready to launch this function, there will be an announcement and rollout event. Keep watching this spot!